I would like to announce the return a much improved version of user ratings in our download section. Unlike the previous system we used, this no longer requires you to be registered to vote, however still keeps track of who has voted.
We certainly appreciate your collaboration on making TechSpot a better site for everyone to visit and get informed. If you have tried some of the software in our download section, be sure to cast your vote, so that other people can get an user feeling of that particular program.
The next step will consist on featuring those programs with the best user ratings, plus adding our own "TechSpot picks" for download-worthy programs.
Update: A few hours later, we have already received several download votes, you guys are awesome.
On a different topic, I realized I never posted results from our last poll (there is a new one up, too). It was quite a surprise to me that HD-DVD took the lead, despite of Blu-ray's more advanced technology.
If you would like to learn more about Blu-ray and HD-DVD, we posted an editorial not so long ago about how each technology works, and its pros/cons.