3DMark06 is a PC benchmark suite designed to test the DirectX9 performance of your graphics card.
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A 3DMark score is an overall measure of your system's 3D gaming capabilities, based on comprehensive real-time 3D graphics and processor tests. By comparing your score with those submitted by millions of other gamers you can see how your gaming rig performs, making it easier to choose the most effective upgrades or finding other ways to optimize your system.
3DMark06 has been downloaded more than any other 3D benchmark and the ORB database now contains over 8.5 million 3DMark06 benchmark scores from around the world.
3DMark is an essential tool for every PC gamer, hardware enthusiast or component manufacturer in the industry.
What's New:
- Fully compatible to Windows 8
- SystemInfo component updated to 4.15
- OpenAL installer updated to latest version
To run 3DMark06 in Windows Vista 64bit or Windows 7 64bit, please run the application as administrator.
Minimum System Recommendation
- Single-core Intel® or AMD® compatible processor 2.5GHz or higher
- DirectX® 9 compatible graphics adapter with Pixel Shader 2.0 support or later, and graphics memory of 256MB*
- 1GB of system RAM or more
- 1.5GB of free hard disk space
- Windows® 7, Windows® XP or Windows Vista™ 32 or 64bit operating system with latest Service Packs and updates installed
- DirectX® 9.0c December 2005 or later
- Visual C++ 2005 Redist
- Microsoft Excel® 2003/XP or later for some 3DMark functionality
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later for some 3DMark functionality
- Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (December 2005) System Development Kit is required to run the image quality test using the reference rasterizer.
Recommended System
- Multi-core Intel® or AMD® compatible processor 2.0GHz or higher
- DirectX® 9 compatible graphics adapter with Pixel Shader 3.0 support or later, and graphics memory of 512MB*
- 2GB of system RAM or more
- 1.5GB of free hard disk space
- Windows® 7, Windows® XP or Windows Vista™ 32 or 64bit operating system with latest Service Packs and updates installed
- DirectX® 9.0c December 2005 or later
- Visual C++ 2005 Redist
- Microsoft Excel® 2003/XP or later for some 3DMark functionality
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later for some 3DMark functionality
Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (December 2005) System Development Kit is required to run the image quality test using the reference rasterizer.
To run the HDR/SM3.0 graphics tests, a DirectX 9 compatible graphics adapter with support for Pixel Shader 3.0, 16 bit floating point textures and 16 bit floating point blending is required.
It is possible that 3DMark06 will run on PCs that do not meet the minimum recommendation above, but the benchmark performance may be seriously affected. For example, insufficient video memory will result in texture swapping - this will cause fluctuations during the tests, reducing the reliability of the generated scores.