Doom II: Hell on Earth, is the beloved sequel to the groundbreaking DOOM (1993). It introduces players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action.

To install in Windows download the GZDoom Ray Traced file first and extract to folder. Then download the Wad file and place it in the folder you just extracted the file to. You may also be required to download the RTGL1 Renderer to replace some of the GZDoom RT files.

You can also try classic Doom 2 (no ray tracing) by downloading GZDoom and then downloading the Doom 2 Wad File, place it in the same folder as GZDoom and gzdoom.exe.

The Nightmare Continues!

The world is engulfed in flames, thanks to id Software and GT Interactive. To avoid an eternity of suffering, you must find the Dark One's power source and destroy it once and for all. Doom II, with more levels to play, sharper graphics, bigger and badder weapons, and double the demons, is not only more awesome the the original but could degenerate into a never-ending nightmare. You could lose your soul or, even worse. Your job and your family.