The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

Expert reviews and ratings
Despite being released a couple of years ago this game is still one of the best RPG’s on the market! After much consideration I decided to buy Oblivion on the PS3 and see what it was like. After looking on many websites I saw that although there...
By Xtra Gamer onOblivion could have been just another RPG in the world. Thanks to clever design and an expansive world however, it is far from just another RPG. Oblivion is a game that can easily satisfy a wide range of players. The PlotRating The main storyline of...
By BrightHub onThe most stunning role-playing game weve ever played. Graphics are amazing, and theres so much to do you could play it for a month and still have loads left to do. By David Ludlow Read comments: 0 Add comments Email a friend Add to Scrapbook...
By Expert Reviews onTangled in a web of his own making, the bandit had run out of arrows at the most crucial of times and worst yet he backed up into a dead end and was surrounded by massive boulders. With no choice, this genius of highway robbery whipped out a knife...
By GameZone onDriving to work, I spied one of those “I’d rather be…” bumper-stickers, and in this particular driver’s case the activity was “golfing.” I immediately said to myself—out loud, no less—“Yeah,...
By Maximum PC onCast a spell or crush some skulls while you feed your inner nerd with this fantasy role-playing game The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is role-play for the masses. Gone are the traditional 20-sided dice and pewter figurines, replaced with a slick...
By PC Pro onThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is simply one of the best role-playing games ever made....
By CNET Australia onIt’s not an easy time for a new single-player RPG. Over the last two years, even hardcore fans have begun to concede that the future is probably online. Take a world of the scale and beauty of World of Warcraft’s Azetoth, fill it with...
By Trusted Reviews onTory Favro9.6Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionHoly smokes Batman! I think we’ve struck gold with this title! It’s been some time since we all enjoyed Morrowind to the extent that gamers can and I am pleased to say that Oblivion picks up that great...
By ImpulseGamer on