TechSpot Trivia
- Which of these was the most expensive domain name sale?
- How heavy was the first ever 1 GB hard drive?
- How much did it cost to rent a movie at the first VHS rental store in the US in 1977?
- What is the origin of email "spam"?
- If you reach level 256 in the game Pac-Man, this infamous bug will cause the arcade game to...
- Google Chrome has a hidden mini-game that involves what?
Trivia Index Page 4
50 What was the first all-transistor television?
50 Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce left which company to found Intel?
70 The 'Divers 2000 CX-1 Dreamcast' was a version of the Sega console that shipped with what defining feature?
80 With what microarchitecture did Intel begin integrating memory controllers inside its CPU package instead of putting them in the motherboard's northbridge?
90 Possibly the world's most hated font, Comic Sans was first used in which Microsoft product?