I'm not so sure it's "every" health professional in the world, but there are some who wield certain power who may not have your best interest at heart. As much as we would like to think every Congressman has the public's best interest at heart, we know that is not always the case. And so, I would assume that some health care professionals are the same. It's not like there isn't competition for grant money or research positions and what not. Some people are motivated by that.
After the fact we now know that some people within the government decided to suppress information as well as the people who were asking questions that didn't fit the narrative. The excuse of "we didn't know what we didn't know" is lame at best. Why then put out information you cannot possibly validate if you don't know what you don't know?
I like what George Carlin had to say about "conspiracies". He said that you don't need a large group of people working together to have a conspiracy, but you can have like-minded people who independently work to achieve the same goals. I think the latter is mostly likely the case during Covid. People were trying to do the right thing as told to them by authority but also knowing that maybe the information wasn't 100% right.
There are absolutely people of every make and profession who might not have your best interests. In fact when it comes to politicians, even more so.
Every health professional, I agree is poor wording and I apologize for that. I often hate sweeping generalizations. Let me try that again, the worlds overwhelming majority consensus from medical professionals using peer reviewed studies that follow the scientific process do say its safe.
But in other countrys and parts of the world, the medical industry isnt for profit. They dont gain anything by making people sick. Governments fight to keep people alive. Every citizen is more taxes. Its the main driving force behind the "must have kids" route. They are not looking to kill off millions.
Why did they say something? If they didnt say anything your outrage would be even worse. There is no right answer. They said what they thought they knew. The politicians and talking heads on tv came up with any number of other stuff that had nothing to do with what they were saying. Getting your information from the likes of MTG, football players or the likes of Joe Rogan is why we are here. If you were listening to the actual health professionals it wasnt that hard to follow. N95 up, get your vaccine to help REDUCE symptoms.
Say what you will and come up with as many quotes as you want about conspiracies, if you believe the entire worlds medical industry was around peddling medicine for profit so they manufactured a virus, you have lost me and we need to walk away (or that the virus was fake). I dont subscribe to world is flat theories, no offense. Maybe thats an extreme take on what you are describing.
Countries that dont have anything to do with us, hate us, they all in it? It doesnt work that way. Thats one hell of a coordinated effort. They deserve to be praised for it. Anectdotal evidence of one thing or another doesnt prove anything. Scientific evidence does. I believe there are more good people doing good for the world than bad instead of such a defeatist view.
The government is suppressing information from you every single day man. And it doesnt matter which talking head is at the top. Im polish decent. For the longest time it was taught the germans killed my family. Turns out it was the soviets because our government lied to us about who the enemy was until it was declassified. You should hear some of my grandpa's stories whom spent some time in a concentration camp. They have that whole public interest and must keep the peace thing going on. And im not saying I agree with any of that and explain that its even personal to me. We all know its happening, its been exposed so many times (snowden and numerous other examples).
I perceive you to have some questionable theories about medical professionals. Go meet a few scientist. You will find out they want to help people and are not some evil profiteering class peddling lies. They spend their free time researching because thats what they do, staring at samples, testing, etc, its a joy to discover something new or progress research. They have done more for progressing humanity than almost any other profession (maybe engineering competes) and will continue to do so.
*EDIT* I want to add that when the vaccine was not fully approved, I fully support folks being able to decide they dont want it. Referring to the ones that did cause issues. I support a right to your body and what goes in it and the treatment for it (such as womens rights as well). Just want to clarify that as I didnt address it above. Your body, your choice. That includes vaccines, circumcision, abortion, etc.