Nothing to employees: Get back in the office 5 days a week or find somewhere else to work

Did you get this backwards intentionally or unintentionally? People with families, especially children in school, are the ones that want to work remotely. Not needing a day care is like getting an enormous raise vs. going into the office.
So are you saying that your employer should be glad you are serving as a babysitter while you are on the clock instead of fully focusing on what you are getting paid for?

It amazes me how people think they are so entitled. If a company want's their employees to be in the office, then that's their right. The company is not twisting your arm to work for them. You don't own the company so what gives you the right to decide? If you can't follow the companies rules about being in the office, what other rules are you not going to follow?
I also demand to "work-from-home", with a beer at my side at all times, having "artificial intelligences" and robots doing all my work. Mind you, that would be a smart-home, permanently connected to the Internet-of-Things. I want no less than 100,666€/year for all my trouble with at most 1% tax. Else I will cry, have a fit of rage and throw accusations of abuse and discrimination all over the Webs.
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TechSpots employees are remote tho, so why do they care about this.

It kind of reminds me of when that one study came out saying people were more productive from home.. Then every media outlet had an article about it written by someone who was working from home. I say written but I'd swear it was just a copy-paste article on each site.

Now off the subject of the quote, the company I work for also saw a decrease in work during the work from home time. I had a suspicion that people weren't working in the mornings because my job would be slow until after lunch and then everything would happen all at once. A few of them ended up telling me they took naps in the morning and walks in the afternoons. There are some things you don't admit to at work. I won't say anything to upper management but the walls have ears... someone would tell on them.
Simply put it's slavery, in a little bit more detail... everybody was working from home and productivity increased by 30%... Then everybody looked at the managers as to why are you here...
Considering over 60% of a company's profit goes to executives and managers who shouldn't even be in the company, it's obvious why companies report in office slavery... So managers can still have a place to manage, WFH made them realize they are worthless in 2024
Shall we start a bolshevik revolution to end up modern slavery in the capitalist societies?😇