Recent content by dkpope

  1. dkpope

    Top 10 Tech Pranks: Harmless and Fun IT Jokes

    <p>Back to the office? <a href="">Pranks</a> are awesome. And you're a tech-savvy individual, so it's time that your pranks showed that. Help colleagues grow closer with these practical IT jokes.</p> <p><a...
  2. dkpope

    Two-Factor Authentication: Methods and Myths

    <p>When I mentioned to a few friends that I was writing a feature about <a href="">two-step authentication</a>, the typical response was an eye-roll and "Oh, that annoying thing?..." But wait. There's more to it.</p> <p><a...
  3. dkpope

    A Gallery of Weird Keyboard Layouts: From Colemak to C'HWERTY

    <p><strong style="color:#008000; font-weight:500;">#ThrowbackThursday</strong> It's safe to say many of us don't know much about what lies <a href="">beyond the standard QWERTY keyboard</a>. Well, there's so much more. Let's take a...
  4. dkpope

    Using a U2F Key to Secure Your Google, Dropbox, and GitHub Accounts

    <p><a href=""><img src="" /></a></p> <p>Last week we discussed the basics of two-factor authentication (2FA) and why it&#39;s a good idea to take advantage of it...
  5. dkpope

    How to Watch Netflix with Friends Anywhere (and No, It's Not Illegal to Share Your Password)

    <p><a href=""><img src="" /></a></p> <p>Netflix is a great way to spend the evening hours. Family movie night. Friend movie night. Netflix and chill...
  6. dkpope

    New gestures and voice commands, plus speaker support coming soon to Android Wear

    <p class="img-white"><img src="" width="800" height="426" srcset=" 500w...
  7. dkpope

    Stream your Spotify music directly through Amazon's Echo speaker, if you're a premium user

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="410" srcset=" 500w...
  8. dkpope

    Twitter's branded emojis cost an arm and a leg, and about a million dollars

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="432" srcset=" 500w...
  9. dkpope

    Uber's rebrand tries to be 'substantial,' ends up closer to 'confusing'

    <p><img src="" width="1100" height="734" srcset=" 500w...
  10. dkpope

    Digital assistant bots like Siri, Cortana make the internet a smaller place and that's a problem

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="534" srcset=" 500w...
  11. dkpope

    Cubans in Old Havana will finally have access to home broadband service

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="534" srcset=" 500w...
  12. dkpope

    Google built an AI that just dominated a Go champion

    <div class="video-container" style="margin-bottom: 30px;"><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="390" src=";showinfo=0&amp;modestbranding=1&amp;vq=hd720&amp;autohide=1&amp;autoplay=1" type="text/html"...
  13. dkpope

    Now you can play a game that's still in development on, and return it within 14 days

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="253" srcset=" 500w...
  14. dkpope

    Google wants you to find search results even faster with quick answer cards

    <p><img src="" width="800" height="690" srcset=" 500w...
  15. dkpope

    Twitter has a new CMO, maybe she can attract the new users they're missing

    <p class="img-white"><img src="" width="800" height="414" srcset=" 500w...